3 Obstacles You Must Face and Overcome to Get Her Back

There are 3 main things that keep couples apart. These are simple things that have a huge impact when you can't get past them. Chances are it's one of these 3 things that's standing between you and your ex. I put these in order of hardest first from my experience.

1. Fear. Nobody likes being rejected, in fact most people fear it. You don't know what your ex will say or how they will react. This fear of the unknown is enough to stop you in your tracks.

If you can't get past this fear though, you'll stay in the same situation with the same outcome as if you did get rejected. You can't get your ex back if you don't try, isn't it worth taking the risk? The worst thing that could possibly happen is that you'll stay in the same situation you're in right now, not that big of a risk if you ask me. The key that got me past the fear was the realization that there really is no risk.

2. Pride. This is a big one too. We all want to feel like we're right, we all want to protect our ego. It's human nature to make ourselves feel better in times of pain. It gets in the way though.

It gets in the way of really looking at the situation, and being open and honest with your ex about how you truly feel. You have to swallow your pride and show some humility to your special someone. Then you can actually see and deal with the issues that caused the tension in the first place, and work together to tackle the problems that are keeping you apart.

For me, once I realized that my pride was getting in the way, all I did was make the decision to be more humble. The hardest part is realizing that it's a problem, so now I'm helping you out. It's a problem, so fix it.

3. Giving up. This is the easy way out, not the right way out. It's the easiest and fastest way to let go of what you want, why would you want to do that?

Everything worth while requires hard work and persistence. Won't you want to look back on this when you're together again, and know it was worth it?

Just make the decision that you won't give up, and nothing can stop you from achieving your goal.

There is no single secret that will magically erase your problems, if something isn't working do something else. For every single problem in the world, there is a solution. You just have to find it. I'd like to invite you to check out this proven system that is packed full of solutions for every possible problem that could come up when trying to find how to get your ex girlfriend back.